Netflix Presents Tales From the Couch! #StreamTeam | Written By: Erika
Netflix Presents Tales From the Couch!
Do you remember the Crypt Keeper? The show Tales from the Crypt used to creep me out. Now-a-days I am sure it looks silly but when I was much younger, it was scary! In light of Halloween just around the corner I bring you a Crypt Keeper inspired tale. My tale, “Netflix Presents Tales From the Couch”.
Can you hear it? That sound of my workout music? Yeah, I don’t hear it either because I am stuck on the couch. Leg elevated? Check. Pull on pants? Check. Home and cell phone on the table? Check. My only friends over the last week and a half have been my iPad and Netflix. I have watched so much BBC Scotland that when I am thinking or reading the words in my head are eloquently spoken in a Scottish Highland accent. Ok, not eloquent, more like Mike Meyers in So I Married an Axe Murderer. HEAD, MOVE, NOW!!!
Ok, so why am I stuck on the couch you ask? Here is the story,
I love taekwondo. It makes me feel like I am not some middle-aged mom fumbling through life, but instead a strong able woman. I entered a tournament the beginning of October and my final event was sparring. I was SO nervous during my other events that I just froze and performed poorly. I only took 3rd place in the events. I was going to get out there and take 1st in sparring no matter what.
An ATA colored belt sparring match ends when the 1st person scores 5 points, or 2 minutes, whatever comes first. I was decked in all my sparring gear and ready for action. I had a strategy in place and was ready to go. I felt confident. The match started and within seconds with my second kick, I scored my first point. Problem is on impact I heard a loud pop and felt it too, right across my left knee. I dropped my leg and felt it waiver from side to side. Unstable, and definitely not right. One of my judges gave me this look and I just said, something is wrong with my knee. He said he saw it looked like it hyper extended. My knee didn’t hurt, it was just completely unstable. I refused to stop the match though. I had to win. I had to prove to myself that I didn’t come to the tournament just to falter and get scared away. I evoked the power of “Daniel Son”, from The Karate Kid (which is available to watch streaming on Netflix) and carried on.
Miraculously I kept scoring. I even kicked a few times with my lame left leg and even scored with it. I had 2 points scored against me but in the end I won. 5-2, I won! I felt so powerful at that moment. That with an injury that I knew was serious, I still won and took first place in sparring for my age group. I limped the rest of the day but I stayed at the tournament for 7 more hours just icing and elevating and cheering on my kids, my friends, and my Martial Arts school.
Sunday, however, was very different. Swollen and not moving. My leg didn’t straighten all the way and only bent about 1/2 way. The joint was locked. Best part is my husband left for California at 5am that morning. I was alone, totally handicapped and couch bound. My daughter had to make food for me because I couldn’t even stand in the kitchen
Tuesday I was finally able to make it to the orthopedist. I saw the nurse, then the PA came in and sent me for x-rays. The PA then examined my knee and told me there are 3 types of meniscus tears, x, y, and z, but unfortunately I think you have d, a bucket handle tear in the meniscus. He then told me it was when it tears and then folds over itself and causes a joint lock. And I am not ruling out an ACL tear. Blow my brains out please.
So that brings me to today. Over a week later, sitting on the couch abusing Netflix streaming watching Monarch of the Glen. I am already in Season 6! Surrounded by a messy house, my 1/2 dressed 4 year old son Wyatt and my sweet little 6 week old kitten who is still nameless sleeping at my side. I can come up with a million cool male names but girl names are just so…..girly.
Yes, I am rocking some sexy Christmas PJ pants under that brace.
I still have another week before I find out what is all wrong with my knee but I have learned a few things this last week.
1. Bommerang Hand Pies are amazing.
2. Insurance companies are slow, oh wait, I already knew this one.
3. A new kitten makes any day better.
4. Finally, Netflix is a gift from the Heavens. I wish they would update their TV shows section to get all the seasons of the odd TV shows I watch. But beggars can’t be choosers and not everyone else enjoys Scottish soap drama. However they do have something for everyone if you just take a look. No need to be a member to have a browse around!
For other Martial Arts fans here are other choices streaming on Netflix.
For Kids:
Disney Kickin It
Ninja Turtles The Next Mutation
For Adults:
Jackie Chan’s The Legend of the Drunken Master
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
So those are my current “Tales from the Couch”. Full of mystery and excitement, I know. But they are mine. Now hush and pass the popcorn.
*I’m part of the Netflix #StreamTeam and receive a free subscription. All opinions as you can see above, are my own.
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